Who is Shantala?

My career in entertainment was serendipitous.

I grew up being a caretaker to my brother through his kidney transplant then headed off to study International Relations and foreign policy at Drexel University and UPenn.  You see, my desire was to be on a diplomat-route through the State Department.  Was thriving as a conference planner for the International Criminal Court Coalition in NY and the United Nations Association in Washington D.C. when home trouble brought me back to New Jersey.  Needed a career shift to nurture the family; what to do? 

Eureka: If I couldn’t be a lawyer in real life, I’d play one on TV.

Headed to Hollywood as a trained diversity actor and lived it up; un-repped and STILL Auditioning for television, winning selections in multiple network diversity showcases and even filming a ridiculously fun commercial for Patti LaBelle Pies!  

In the midst of this rapid growth in my career, adrenal fatigue triggered a full blown kidney infection and I was hospitalized at Cedar Sinai in Beverly Hills.  10 days later I left the hospital with renal diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension along with a colorful cocktail of badass pharmaceuticals.  (Obviously pharmas save your life but also cause mass chaos!)   That year of high-dose meds changed my body, my spirits and even who I thought I was as a human.

Returning to my hometown of Cherry Hill (after such an amazeballs career launch) might have felt like failing. But I dug deep and discovered I’d been gifted with the medical wisdom to nurture my younger brother through his breakdown in mental health, hospice and his passing.

A deep dive into shadow work and Soul Retrieval through such extraordinary circumstances led me down the path of Alchemy.  There is a bit of witchery in turning flaws into assets; (much like Alchemy) shifting the lead of Shame into the gold of an awakened Heart.  (Not just a Shamanic Psychotherapist) but masteries in 7 modalities of somatic and metaphysical healing are what make me an intuitive storyteller; through the art of Acting.

I recently booked an incredible animated children’s series for BBC that featured me voicing a southasian character (squeals!) You can also view me as a force of nature in short films Annika and Class Action.

Pleasure and pain are the tools I bring to the screen and my fans are enraptured.  Welcome to my domain; I am Enchantress Laal.